Database Development

This project required that we obtain as much data as possible from existing sources. All the data we collected was also freely available to the public from the various organizations. Skagit County, GIS Data Depot, and the USGS all offered coverages that were easily imported and projected in ArcView 3.2. Some data was hand digitized, because it was not available in a digital format. For data that was not available on the camp, or was inaccurate, field collection was done using Trimble GPS units. GPS provided very accurate location information that combined with the existing coverages seamlessly.

GPS Existing Sources Projection Metadata

Data Sources

Fire Mountain Forest Stewardship Plan
•Promotes conservation and forest management practices
•Data Collected:
•Fire Mountain Scout Camp Management Units
•Old camp maps
•Parcel Descriptions for Camp

United States Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources and Soil Conservation – Soil Survey of Skagit County, 1989.
•Data Collected:
•Soil boundaries
•Soil series and description

Skagit County GIS
•GIS coverages for Skagit County
•Data Collected:
•Hydrology, Transportation, Parcel, 10 meter DEM

Mt. Baker Council
•Boy Scout Council in charge of Fire Mountain Scout Camp
•Data Collected:
•Transportation, Utilities, Forest Cover, Reference maps

GIS Data Depot
•GIS data clearinghouse
•Data Collected:
&Mac183; Hydrology & DEM

United States Geological Survey
•Data Collected
•Aerial Photographs for Vegetation cover, DEM

Cascade Orienteering Club
•Orienteering organization
•Data Collected
•Fire Mountain Orienteering map for wetlands

Global Positioning System – GPS fieldwork
•Trimble GeoExplorer 3
•Data Collected:
•Campsites, buildings, roads, outhouses, activity sites, lake controls, drinking water, tree cover, handicap access, utilities, quarries, culverts, misc.

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