Drainfield Analysis

The Drain Field analysis performed determined which areas within the camp property are suitable as new locations for drain fields. The analysis was performed using 100 foot wetland buffers around all wetlands, 50 foot, 100 foot, and 200 foot stream buffers (depending on stream type), and drainage, slope, and permeability characteristics of soils.

The results of this analysis identified two areas within camp boundaries that meet the specified criteria. These locations can be seen on the map. An interesting result of this analysis reveals that many of the buildings on the camp property are located in suitable locations.

An important thing to note is that this is one type of drain field analysis that can be performed. Although not used in this analysis as criteria, each type of constructed drain fields have has its own specifications and criteria as well. Additionally, this form of analysis may not be required for drain field locations, because the current Ranger at the Scout Camp is working towards becoming a certified drain filed specialist. This will allow the camp to put a drain field where they want, even if the locations are illegal. Our hope is that this analysis will offer site options for prudent decision making.

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