I’ve read precious little for enjoyment in the last decade. Of what I have read, Vonnegut has been my greatest source of enjoyment, thrill, contemplation and absurd laughter. I’m saddened to hear of Kurt’s Death, but I’ve had some practice. (have to use the Indianapolis link..) I first heard of his death about 5 years ago. So I was surprised to read a posthumous essay of his then see him on the Daily Show. So now I’m prepared.
Vonnegut’s writing was a great source of comfort. It is dark, insightful, and hilarious. The only attempt I know of to put it on the silver screen (Breakfast of Champions) fell short of his art. One of the things that impressed me so much about his writing was his ability so say so much with so few words. Vonnegut’s books are rather short, but he’s a master of succinctness without loosing any content, any idea, or any joke to efficiency.
God’s speed.
There have been many times in the past year when Linds and I have discussed the rapidly approaching day that Vonnegut will leave us. It makes me sad.
He will surely be missed in this household.
“Slapstick” is one of my favorite books ever.
I wasn’t ready though. I feel as though I’ve lost my hero.