I’ve been trying to find some positive, er, complimentary evidence that a baby can go in a bike trailer before 1 year of age, and I’ve been having a hard time of it. There are a few examples of folks who started taking their children in bike trailers at young ages (2+ months), but I can’t find anyone who will say when it is safe to take them riding. Manufacturers play it safe and say 1 year with a helmet, and our pediatrician said to check with the manufacturer.
I was starting to give up hope when I found a carrier down at REI that had a baby accessory for their trailer that said it was for 3+ month olds. I got really excited so I looked up the manufacturer and found a couple places in the brochure that list age/weight limits for some of the accessories. Woohoo!
Then, in the FAQ, I found this line dealing with what age children can use these trailers. “At 12 months cycling with a properly fitted helmet can begin.” Turns out the 3 month old can only go on gentle strolls and walks. Dang. I suppose I should just be patient.
eh, those recommendations are for average kids. You’re kid is above average right? She can handle it!
The pediatrician was kind enough to send us several pamphlets on babies and bikes with 12 months old highlighted in several places. While this is again disappointing, it makes me like our pediatrician even more.
As an expert on babies, I’d guess that putting her in a trailer might be a bit like shaken baby syndrome. I’d prefer you not go to prison . . . for that.