It was a bit of a surprise to have Rowdy Roddy Piper open the night at Harvey’s Comedy club last night. Awesome, but a surprise none the less. Portland is so cool.
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It was a bit of a surprise to have Rowdy Roddy Piper open the night at Harvey’s Comedy club last night. Awesome, but a surprise none the less. Portland is so cool.
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Too bad it wasn’t a classic wrestling reunion. How bad ass would it have been to have Brutis the Barber Beefcake, Jake the Snake Roberts, Koko-B-Ware, the British Bulldog, Superfly Jimmy Shnooka and Hacksaw Jim Dugan all on stage. Now that is worth the price of admissions.
Maybe Rowdy Roddy could join your party to help defeat the GOP in the Bush Game. LET’S GET IT ON!