Tonight I took part in a Beer Focus Group that Alan referred me to. I was somewhat surprised that I made it through the selection process to begin with, but soon after signing up I received a package in the mail with a disposable camera. My mission: Go out like you normally do and take pictures of the things you notice or that influence your choices.
Being poor, it was a bit of a challenge, but knowing $100 was available afterwards encouraged me to push myself. The group was surprisingly fun, and the consensus was that sport bars were the best. I differed in that realm, and didn’t have much to offer to that part of the discussion. Nor did I help much with the discussion on national chain restaurants and their beer selection.
From the direction of questioning, it seemed that the focus group was for one of the big three (AB, Coors, MillerSAB). I enjoyed that I could share my opinion despite it being completely opposite those just given. It was fun.
Andy, I see you’re wearing a ring. Does beer help you to cope with your wife’s non-stop studying?
what the hell $100, I thought it was $60. man I should have gone.