You may remember a flurry of discussion about SETI, the distributed seach for extra-terrestrial life that started back in 1998. I myself donated about 2 years worth of CPU time. Well, now scientists with the SETI project are going back to Aricibo to look at coordinates in the sky that produced unique signals. I don’t know if I ever provided any useful information, but there’s always a hope. The full story is at Wired.
2 thoughts on “Seti Revisits Signals”
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I recently started using Folding@Home’s screensaver. It simulates protein folding with the goal of preventing diseases. But mainly the screensaver looks darn cool, like I’m creating dinosaur DNA.
I ran Folding for several months too, including idle workstations here at work until they changed the Novell policy so it would log off after 2 hours of inactivity. I never ran the screen saver though, just the command line. The folding project has already been succesful in finding ways that protiens mutate in some cases.