I now have to “allow” Java to do something 3 separate times to run banner on my mac. C’mon Ajaxy web application!
Tweet: Thanks to the Joes and Nate at @BlackDiamondUSA, I…
Thanks to the Joes and Nate at @BlackDiamondUSA, I’ll be back on my #telemark boards with a new set of O2s soon.
Tweet: Just referred to wrap around services and reach ar…
Just referred to wrap around services and reach around services. No one even batted an eye. #youknowwhatimeant
Tweet: For the first time ever, the bathroom fan vents to…
For the first time ever, the bathroom fan vents to the outside rather than in to the walls. http://t.co/DpyO7WP0
Tweet: Found a 100lbs+ pile of drywall scraps and suspect…
Found a 100lbs+ pile of drywall scraps and suspect wiring behind the knee wall. Another gift from the tweaker who did the last upgrades.
Tweet: #Norovirus is on the loose in Portland. Great time…
#Norovirus is on the loose in Portland. Great time to take an online class! goo.gl/i3UhK
Tweet: Perfectly clear day at meadows with Hilary. The th…
Perfectly clear day at meadows with Hilary. The thighs now burn. http://t.co/rS90KzIc
Tweet: First visit to the new Portland Aquarium. Lots of…
First visit to the new Portland Aquarium. Lots of hands on. http://t.co/npio22fp
Tweet: Finished wiring the office today. More outlets in…
Finished wiring the office today. More outlets in the places I want them.
Tweet: Last payment of my grad school student loan sent….
Last payment of my grad school student loan sent. Took less time to pay off than to get the degree.