#FWP, but with as many many times as I open files in Excel, I hate that it forces me to select On My Mac every damn… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Tweet: Steppin’ out. @PortlandCC #5fortheFoundation #buck…
Steppin’ out. @PortlandCC #5fortheFoundation #bucksforchucks https://t.co/2RusDOspNS
Tweet: I wonder if #JASTA will allow victims of the Contr…
I wonder if #JASTA will allow victims of the Contras to sue Reagan posthumously.
Tweet: Oh man. The two email systems issue is coming to a…
Oh man. The two email systems issue is coming to a boil sooner than I expected it.
Tweet: This parody of a GQ article by @ORGEAR is amazing….
This parody of a GQ article by @ORGEAR is amazing. blog.thedyrt.com/camp/week-gq-p…
Tweet: When we do video conference meetings, we’re saving…
When we do video conference meetings, we’re saving between $500 and $800 in just mileage and travel time.
Tweet: How could this possibly ever backfire? #jasta http…
How could this possibly ever backfire? #jasta cbsnews.com/news/congress-…
Tweet: This month’s potluck theme was #souptember, courte…
This month’s potluck theme was #souptember, courtesy of @m2sE. It was awesome. Now it is nap time.
Tweet: I know lice are a normal part of elementary school…
I know lice are a normal part of elementary school, but is a weekly notice that there’s lice in the classroom normal?
Tweet: Our cat brought this mantis in on Sunday. It’s bee…
Our cat brought this mantis in on Sunday. It’s been happily exploring our kitchen since then. Meet Henry. https://t.co/vdMrewcmZU