
Yota was in the shop all week getting the brakes serviced (thanks to PCC students it was free) so I rode to work and class all week. It was nice, and I put another hundred miles on Jake. One of the nice things about riding is that you have some time with yourself, though its generally not as thorough as when you’re driving because part of your brain is keeping you upright and criticizing drivers. Here are a collection of the thoughts that came up this week:

  • Ford excursion driver – is that “Keep Alaska Wild” bumpersticker a joke?
  • How the hell did “Isn’t She Lovely” get rated 5 stars and make it on to my otherwise rocking playlist?
  • ha ha… You ran the stop light/cut through the transit mall and I still passed you
  • Widmer smells so good. I should call Michelle and have her meet me there for dinner
  • How the hell did “Midnight Rambler” get 5 stars. There must be some serious inflation going on
  • I don’t care if I’m not supposed to wear earbuds. If I’m going to get hit on Barbur, I don’t want to hear it.
  • How can it be windy in both directions
  • Should… have…eaten….breakfast….

See. Not much going on.

2 thoughts on “Biked”

  1. I love that time too, though I can say I only rode twice this week, and really, only halfway on each of those days. So yesterday I had my Ipod on shuffle, which isn’t so great when podcasts come on. Riding a bike while fumbling an ipod is like driving while talking on a cell: don’t do it.

  2. Personally … i’m convienced that the gremlins in my closet come out at night and re-rate all my songs … just so random things appear in the ear from time to time ! :)

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