
Today Hilary and I walked around town taking pictures. She was trying out her new fisheye lens, which is a lot of fun. We walked from the south end of the waterfront to PSU then north up the park blocks and through town, then back down to the waterfront to old town. We wandered around chinatown then up to the north park blocks, up Broadway through the Pioneer Courthouse Square and finally back to the car. It was a monsterous walk and most of my photos suck.

I do not recommend riding around a parking garage while looking through a fisheye lens. I got sick on the downramp.

Five potential iTunes Purchases

I’ve spent nearly 2 hours trying to decide on what to get with the iTunes gift certificate I received for christmas. I’m having a hard time committing because most of the albums I really want aren’t actually on iTunes. I do take some pride in saying that, yes, but I’m kind of disappointed. Not much MFDoom/Mad Villain, nothing from The Duo, lots of partial albums and a surprising bulk of lame jazz. I’d like to buy recent music but so much of it just isn’t appealing to me. I keep flipping between allmusic and iTunes. I wish iTunes had tabbed browsing. The navigation don’t really let you explore without losing your tracks.

So here’s my current top five potential purchases.

  1. The Reverend Horton Heat – Revival or Lucky 7
  2. Redman – Muddy Waters
  3. Bob Dylan – Nashville Skyline Remastered
  4. Mos Def – The New Danger (despite the poor reviews)
  5. RJD2 – Since We Last Spoke

updated as opinion changes…

Bear in our trees

black bear in a tree
My parents got a christmas card from our childhood dentist that included this clipping from the Cody Enterprise. The picture was taken in the back yard of our old home in Cody. The trees in the picture were all planted by my family. The paved area the warden is standing on was our playground, but the new owners apparently wanted a basketball court instead.

Every so often a black bear or two would wonder into town and cause a small fuss, but it was mostly just entertaining. Sometimes we’d ride our bikes to see them when they had been treed, or poled, or whatever.

Like flying a retarded kite

I took Barley and Mollie for a walk to the park yesterday. The challenge of walking two very different dogs with different olfactory interests, waste schedules and leashes is like flying a retarded kite.

Barley’s new friend

Barley is in heaven playing with Kathy’s dog Mollie. Despite being 1/5 the size, she is quite brave, and easily keeps up with the big goof.

Mollie taking Barley to task

Mollie isn’t really as evil as the picture makes her look, but she’s so small that Barley has trouble keeping her away. He can get his paws around her, but to little avail.

Updated banner

I’ve updated the banner on the website for winter. The picture of the copper mine at Holden Village. I tried out several other banners, and the coppermine seemed the only one that was attractive and appropriate enough for the the big time.

There have been some invisible changes, but unless you’re on a screen reader of Lynx, you won’t notice them.