My family went to Great Britain in 2000, and had a splendid time. We were there when all the Mad Cow, Petrol Strike, and Foot & Mouth shit went down. It made for an interesting trip, but now I have doubts about giving blood, since I was there when the Mad Cow thing went down.
I try not to worry much, and I do a decent job of it. However, I sometimes get worried that I will slowly go crazy due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. My dad described the disease as a joke when he was in medical school; the blink tag of diseases. He also described how a person with it slowly goes crazy, driving everyone in their life away and eventually dying alone and very much in a bad state. Sometimes I wonder if that beef vindaloo I had in Keswick will come back to haunt me someday.
I think people like their memories. I sure enjoy mine. I think that’s partly why I do this, and why I take so many pictures. I love to look back from time to time and remember places, smells, tastes and feelings that you can associate with pictures. Today we had Library Inservice, which amounted to a lot of sitting around, and listening to library events that may or may not affect you.
The room we were in has a podium with a computer and an overhead projector. A couple days before I had been training students with WebCT, and had set the desktop background using one of my pictures, and for some reason, it was still set today. I was kind of embarassed, because its a faux pas to that on a work computer. I got comments on the picture, and overall, I was very glad I put it there because it gave me a wonderful image to accompany my constant day dreaming during the sessions. Why do meetings suck so much?