Many weekends pass by unnoticed because you’re either busy doing some project the entire time, you’re traveling the entire time, or you’re hanging out and time just slips past. This weekend we managed to both tackle a number of projects and have some fun. While having dinner tonight, Michelle and I both realized we were exhausted, but satisfied with the weekend.
Saturday morning we hit up our big box lumber store to get lumber and pavers. I put an additional support beam beneath the living room floor because it had been sagging a bit, and we’re expecting to have a number of people over for a “meet the candidate” gathering and we didn’t want the floor to collapse. As much fun as it is scrounging around the crawl space, I was glad to get done quickly with my dad’s help. Saturday’s weather was too nice to stay indoors.
Michelle transplanted a rose plant and bricked in the rest of the patio, something that really makes the back yard more inviting. She, Ella and my mom did most of the work there, and the chicks (hens) got to play outdoors for a bit in the sun under Barley’s watchful eyes. To round out the day, Hilary watched Ella for a few hours while Michelle and I checked out HUB and Green Dragon.
Sunday morning we rode with my parents and sister over to the Flavor Spot on N. Lombard to grab some waffles, then rode back to Arbor Lodge park to savor, then play some tether ball. After that, Michelle and I split up and ran errands. Reconvening after lunch, we start building the chicken coop and continued with backyard arranging. By the time we hit dinner, we were all exhausted. Here are some photos – I’m trying out the new gallery feature in WordPress 2.5.
Did you sex your chicks?
How was Green Dragon?
Barley looks like he wants to eat the chickens.