
Sneeze PeasElla has started eating “real” food in the last two weeks. We started with peas, which is somewhat distressing because I still can’t stand the smell of the awful little vegetable. She absolutely loves them though and is happily eating a small jar of them in a sitting – even when mixed with rice cereal.

The one thing that peas are good for is a plethora of jokes. My favorite, and the one I’m sure Michelle is the most tired of is using the phrase “pea-ness.” Try it sometime – it’s a non-profane word that becomes profane simply by using poor grammar.

And of course, I have to mention the change in her output. It’s gross. Like mechonium again, but it varies in color depending on her diet. The strange thing is, these colors where once common in people’s homes. Carpet, furniture, drapes and appliances actually came in these colors.

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