I’ve posted the first set of photos taken with the SD550. I really like the Color Accent feature, which you’ll notice in several pictures. The camera lets you select a color (like the photoshop eyedropper) and it then highlights that and changes the rest to grayscale.
I also use the stitch assist last night but the picture itself isn’t that good. More to come though.
Lastly – I’ve changed the image resolution to 800×600, so the images will be a little bigger from now on. What’s the point of hosting at home if you can’t overuse disk space?
cool pix, I really like the accented color pics and the vent pic.
Nice. I too picked up a SD550 for Christmas. I am thrilled with it thus far. Previously I has a SD 410 and logged over 7000 photos with it. Looking forward to the new toy!