Traffic on Broadway yesterday largely consisted of large trucks and delivery vans. Most were diesel burning beasts that are exempt from DEQ emission standards. The fumes and exhaust were nasty and you could feel the particulate at times, and the pace going up Broadway ensured that you were always paired with a van, truck, or bus for most of the trip.
The effects of the exhaust and exertion did give me an idea though. A bicycle respirator! No – not those cumbersome full-face things, or even the avian-flu-nurse-like mask – something that could mount on the handlebars and allow you to use it only when you needed it – only when you were in a thick cloud of nastiness.
Yea, I think that is a great Idea. You could put them on scooters and motorcycles also. If you do that then you could market them to those that commute in stop and go traffic. I want in. :-)
Hell ya man! You make it, I’ll buy it. Wait, better yet, I could help make it and score a free one. I despise riding through a cloud of diesel exhaust. However, what does the pic of the bong have to do with it (not that I have anything against bongs).
I guess it was a little unclear that the water bong was the device I was suggesting for an ad-hoc respirator. Seems like it would mount to the handlebars nicely.