We just completed a massive weekend, and though I’m quite exhausted, we had a blast. For me, the weekend started with dinner at Lagniappe’s (awesome) at their new location on 19th and Alberta and a walk up and down the street for Last Thursday. Although hotter than usual, it was still a hoot excepting for the challenge of parking. I took Friday off to clean and complete errands before the weekend. Friday Michelle and I attended a wedding for one of her co-workers at the Adrianna Hill Grand Ballroom on the second floor of a building on the corner of Yamhill and THE SUN. It was kind of hot, and while wool does have excellent wicking properties, the phrase “cool wool” is still a misnomer. Afterwards we headed over to Scott & Stephanie’s immensely transformed back yard and caught up with friend from Bellingham.
Saturday we started with breakfast at the Vita Cafe then headed out towards Estacada for some refreshing cliff jumping and swimming in the Clackamas River. I love the small section of river and Barley couldn’t get enough swimming. I have a wolverine-like scratch on my chest to prove it. Sadly, it’s hard to get pictures while you’re swimming so hopefully Justin and Matt got some good shots. Then it was back to Portland for some food and then down to OBF for an evening of beer and reverie.
Sunday was a little slower – for me anyway, and most everyone got a surprisingly early start. Michelle and I met Hilary and Fletcher at Aja for some breakfast and then picked up a Holboellia (or china blue) vine for one side of the arbor. Tommy stopped by again before heading home because traffic sucked and who really wants to sit on an idling engine in all black clothing at the hottest part of the day? So we checked the video store for Faster and ended up instead getting some ice cream. It’s been ages since we’ve done that.
Naturally, this is the short summary.
Okay, watching you drunk is like a performance somebody should pay to see. Arms out the car window, camera flashing at any random thing, conversations with strangers at stoplights. Always hillarious.