Barley’s Brother

Michelle, Barley and I walked to pick up a few groceries for dinner last night. On the walk back, we passed the always crowded Binks and Michelle heard someone exclaim “Hey, there goes my dog’s brother!” Sure enough, it was Hank‘s owner. We’d discovered Hank on Dogster a while back and were startled by the similarities. We meant to meet to let the dogs play, but never got a chance too.

Oddly enough, they now lives in the area, so we’ll probably be encountering him at the dog park. Clam chowda.


in what will ultimately be used to improve the realism of the late mac classic “Vette,” Google & Standford will start mapping San Francisco in 3D. The reasoning? Well, in the original game you could change the gravity so that when you jumped on a hill you’d sail through the air. A 3D map of SF would let you know exactly which building you’d be careening into the 6th story of.

Laugh if you will, but after playing that game I knew my way around San Francisco. Not that I was old enough to drive, or that you need to drive in SF.


Today I inadvertently e-mailed a software user group our superuser and ssh account info when my address book filled in the To line. I think this should qualify as one of the most embarrassing work-related mistakes I’ve ever made, but I’m feeling pretty good about it since I was overly stressed and I had just saved all the final grades for a class.

Luckily I noticed the mistake right as Eudora whisked the message away and was able to change the passwords before anyone even got the e-mail. Whew.

Smell after the rain

For most of my life, the smell immediately following a rain has been sage brush. It’s a lovely odor that is loaded with memories.

In Portland, I haven’t noticed any bold an immediate smells after rain events. I imagine this is largely due to the duration of rains, but the smells are usually organic, biotic; the smell of saturated soils, decomposition, and leaf mold.

Yesterday after a brief rain I stepped out into the back yard and noticed a strong and pleasant smell. The smell of thai food wafting up the alleyway. The after-rain smell here is thai food! I suppose if you have to replace something as wonderful as sage brush, thai food is a pretty good option.

Downy Woodpecker

The gnarly apple tree in our back yard is home to a house finch family. They’re delighted by the bird bath and the two feeders now hanging from the tree. (‘Let’s not go to that one, lets go to the good one’) I’m anthropomorphizing of course, but how could the birds not be delighted?

The tree also has a problem with boring insects. Nearly every inch of the tree has a hole in it with sawdust coming out. This is kind of disturbing because it means we probably have to cut it down unless the extension officer thinks it’s cool. In the mean time, a downy woodpecker is frequenting the tree. I’m going to take a guess that it too is delighted.