Breakdancing at Nordstroms

I’ve listened to emcees and pundits talk about the Caucasianization of rap and hip-hop culture, and for the most part I took it in stride and just acknowledged that once again a great art form was finding acceptance. But there have been a few bizarre moments. Like seeing a pre-teen girl’s tee with a hip-hop bunny picture on it at Fred Meyer. But none were quite as bizarre as today’s trip to Washington Square.

We walked through Nordstroms looking for some work clothes for Michelle and were surprised by the army of beauticians. Then, thinking we’d made it through the fray of weird chemist/dentist costumes, we came upon some techno/dance/hip-hop music and a roped off square of floor where three local boys in Trailblazer apparel were… well.. they were break dancing. Inside Nordstroms. And they were good. Really good. And I was about to make a comment to Michelle about BBoys in the place my Grandma shopped by couldn’t because a woman the same size, shape and age as my grandma was standing right in front of me with the same sense of confusion that I had.

A woman who worked the fragrance counter was standing behind us and was marveling about the scent that they created. She thought it was delightful and masculine. I thought it smelled like formaldehyde and gym. But the three guys that were doing the break dancing were amazing. They clearly were not just normal b-boys, but gymnasts. The combination of stamina, build, and agility suggested they were beyond your typical contortionist or cardboard spinner. They were amazing.

But once again, possibly from the smell of the aqua-net coming from the woman in front of me, I was reminded that these were break dancers. In Nordstroms. What the hell?

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