Michelle’s first race

I forgot to mention – Michelle completed her first race this weekend in Eugene. She ran in the Truffle Shuffle 4 mile event. She finished with her fastest time ever on a 4 mile and would have done even better if she hadn’t started all the way in the back. She was also glowing when she finished. I guess its a runner thing. She’s inspired me to ride more though.

Barley and I aren’t runners so we hung out in the park and watched. It was an amazingly nice day with sun and ducks and prettier gulls than we have in Portland.

3 thoughts on “Michelle’s first race”

  1. It is certainly a runner thing. When I was running more often and racing on a twice-a-month basis, I’d love it. I’d recognize that glow.

    But if you think starting in the back of that race was bad, try starting in this mess:


    I ran that about six years ago, and I was behind a TON of people. They start the race in waves thankfully, but it still was a madhouse.

  2. Yeah, Goodie is starting to make me look bad. Excercising, playing soccer, quitting smoking (not that I smoke). Now that I have my bike with me, and a bike rack, I should bring it down to P-town…let’s say March-ish.

    Oh, and try starting Ski to Sea at Mt. Baker. The past years I did it, a couple hundred cross country skiers (mostly amateurs and beginners) pack together, and “race”. I’ve been exactly in the exact middle both times I did it, and the mere thought of falling down and getting trampled, poked, and jabbed by that many fashion victims makes one rethink their decision to do the cross country portion.

  3. Forgot to preview my post…my new rap name is “Exactly in the Exact”, a.k.a Ex in the X, aka ExEX, a.k.a. Double X, a.k.a (Ex-Act)^2

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