Remote Desktop is Faster

Its quite sad that running Remote Desktop to connect to a computer that has ArcGIS 9 is still much faster and bearable than working on my own computer with ArcView 3.0a for Mac. In fact, just loading the streets layer in ArcView 3.0a crashed the program and Classic (OS 9), which is why I tried Remote Desktop instead.

I’m 96% done converting street addresses of pubs to physical locations in a GIS for my project. ArcMap 9 actually tries to rectify them for you, and got 86% of the addresses right on the first pass – which is nice when the data set is 60 entities.

One thought on “Remote Desktop is Faster”

  1. <snort>

    Why am I not even remotely surprised that you would be putting so much effort into a data set that involves beer?

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