I still get tingly during MacWorld events. This one is supposed to be as big as others in the past, and I’m kind of hoping for the headless iMac/PVR thing. I don’t need office software.
Also, timed with the event was a protest over Apple’s e-waste policies. I agree whole-heartedly that companies should be heavily involved in cleaning up after themselves, especially those who profit so greatly on disposable products (fast food?). But I’d also like to point out that my macs haven’t needed trashing yet. My 1997 Power Computing clone was shelter bound, and my G3 (circa 1999) is still humming along and hosting this site. If absorbing the cost of waste helps Apple make their computers last even longer, I’d be all for it. But I wouldn’t mind getting something a little faster.
Funny you should mention the PVR thing. That was the very first thing I thought of when I saw that critter.