We were all huddled in a discussion (celebration) after the debate last night, and to top off the evening, we read aloud the first “for” arguments for measure 36 in this year’s voter’s pamphlet.
The Bible says that marriage is for procreation. God made Adam and Eve, and Adam and Eve made Cain and Abel, not an empty nest … Marriage is for procreation. If you’re not pro-Creation, you’re anti-God …
If you’re not smirking, I’m worried. If you are, it only gets better.
I think more people should start being penalized by fines of one shoe.
A couple of them were tear-jerking hysterical.
“And once a marriage has been solemnized, sex is serious business. The solemnity of sex must not be abused for sinful pleasures. Sex is for procreation, not recreation.”
What?!?! Crap. We’re busted. Well, as long as we’re going to hell, we might as well enjoy the ride.
“(This information furnished by M. Dennis Moore, The Beaver State Defense of Beaver Coalition.)”
“(This information furnished by M. Dennis Moore, God for Oregon Deity-PAC (GOD-PAC) and Family Alliance of God.)”
ROFL. “Defense of Beaver Coalition” and “GOD-PAC”. That kills me!
“Shall obnoxious religious-right hypocrites be allowed to marry? Hell no! Let’s vote!”
Stop, stop! Oh, my ribs!
I think this man could have spent his 2000 dollars a bit more wisely. Have you actually visited his website : oregondogma.com and Hetereosexualbreeding.com? horrible, how is that even allowed?
Yes I have read them. Sarcasism is often a subtle thing. If you read the Lies link you’ll actually see where the owner of the site stands. I’m not sure how effective the ads will be, but I hope the hyperbole works.
I think that guy should really take time to read the Bible before he pulls obscure verses and takes it WAY out of context AND publishes them wrongly. It’s sad that he feels he has to belittle the other side to make his point. Perhaps he lacks strong arguments for his own side.
I don’t think he’s speaking out of context because his argument is that people’s widely varying and often selective interpretations of the bible don’t belong in the state constitution. I agree completely, but doubt it to be a very powerful argument because you rarely attract the understanding of others by insulting them.
I don’t think he lacks a strong argument though. We live in a country that has intentionally tried to keep a separation of Church and State to prevent the sometimes contradictory beliefs of any one group from stifling the rights of others.
I’m actually surprised by the popularity of this measure. I’m also disappointed. What happened to what you do unto the least of these, my brethren, you do unto me? We’ve already made mistakes by restricting and segregating lepers, african-americans, and women, (list goes on…), lets not make another mistake.
God mad Adam and Eve not Adam an Steve.
How would you like it if your kid was asked “What’s
your mom’s name?” at school and he/she says dave.Thats some messed up BS.
I can see you put a lot of time into that argument. God also made Cain and Abel. How did they reproduce?
The only reason it will be issue is because the other kids will have learned to fear/hate it from their parents. That’s the messed up bullshit.