Yesterday we enjoyed a somewhat relaxed Fourth. We dropped my cousin off for OMSI Wilderness Survival camp in the morning, then took the dog to the park to play. Its been a while since Barley has been to Gabriel, and he did quite well. Most of his time was spent racing around until he found another dog to bat at and roll around with. His joints seemed to be holding up quite well, and it was good to see that there are lots of other dogs that have idiosyncrasies to their step.
Then for much of the early afternoon we hung out in the backyard and studied. I lounged in the hammock and worked on updating my site using vim, safari, and firefox. Too bad I have to wait until Tuesday to see how it looks on IE.
We ended up saving Martha’s Macaroni & Cheese until today, which we had with potato salad and tofurky brats. They really seem to suffer once you put them in a stadium bun – too much dryness. Michelle also made Chocolate Decadence, when we had while watching the Kaiju Big Battel DVD that Chris brought down. Here’s a taste:

Fireworks? We saw some on TV and just what was going on in the neighborhood. The view from the roof was quite disappointing. Too many trees. I didn’t set any off this year – and I’m not much for watching real shows. I mostly like the blowing stuff up part. Lars, who is in the UK now, lamented at missing the explosions too.