The futre (and past) of the GOP

During lunch I picked up NRDC’s OnEarth magazine because there was an article about John McCain and Global Warming. I find that I’m often in agreement with John McCain on very general terms, and he’s a very intelligent and humorous interviewee. I was pleased to read that he’s introducing a new global warming bill, even more aggressive than Lieberman’s recent failed bill. That’s quite a feat – especially for a Republican. But he’s up to the challenge, and knows it won’t be easy.

The article alludes to a strong Teddy Roosevelt connection, which is fine by me. TR left quite a legacy, and I’m quite fond of him. I’m all for McCain as the future of the Republican party. Hell, with comments like “it’s the No Lobbyist Left Behind Act” in reference to his own party’s Energy Bill, I hope he’s the future.

Oh, and there was some information on getting off junk-mail (postal, not e- ) lists: