Wedding bells in Portland

On the heels of a few other localities, Multnomah County has begun issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples. The county’s attorney’s position: “we can’t legally stop them.”

I feel that marriage is one of the coolest things I’ve ever done, and I’m glad our county has joined others in allowing committed and loving couples to enter into this relationship. Congratulations.

3 thoughts on “Wedding bells in Portland”

  1. Interesting that Washington, one of the most liberal (read: “those loveable hippies”) states in the country, is not jumping on board with this. Governer asshat has recently stated, “Not in our house,” or something slightly less ghetto, but similar.
    Interesting that going into an election, this is such a big issue. I have yet to hear one logical reason from the conservative side that gay marriage should not be permitted or harms them in any way. Yet there are several great reasons why it should be permitted. Take “Who cares?!” for example. Or the fact that it does not violate the constitution. Or several historical analogies. What was it I was hearing? Something like this will be the first major federal legislation passed (assuming it does) in U.S. history that actually further restricts civil rights.
    And yet, screw the quagmire (giggidy) in Iraq. Screw the economy. Screw the deficit. Screw the children getting left behind by the “No Child Left Behind” initiative. Screw the environment. Screw the rich getting richer and the poor getting… well about $1200… if they meet all of twenty criteria and therefore happen to fall into a major minority within their income bracket. No. We’d rather talk about what should be a nonissue: Gay people marrying. We’d rather talk about atheletes taking steriods (the people of this country are so outraged by this that all of the major professional sports leagues are calling it quits in ’05 due to a projected lack of ticket sales: The Professional Curling League is waiting in the wings to take the spotlight and scoop up the fanbases). We’d rather talk about Janet’s breast and the FCC, Stern’s show (a show that has never been put into reruns while the host kicks an oxycontin habit) being banned in six major radio markets by a company that owns 70% of the radio stations in the U.S., one third of the concert venues, and is run by uberconstervatives. (Interesting comment made by a Stern listener on this morning’s show: “I find it funny that this administration trusts parents to keep their kids away from the guns in their houses and yet doesn’t trust them to keep their kids away from radio shows that they have deemed lude.”)
    It’s all a crock. A smokescreen to block out what’s really at stake.
    And what’s at stake?:
    The path being laid for my presidential run in 2012. Who’s gonna be my vice? Once we’re in office I’ll split all the chicks with you 70/30.
    Oh yeah, and one more note: As if there needs to be any more gay jokes around the shop here at work, the new one is “You two gonna run down to Portland together?” Way to go Portland!

  2. You forgot one thing Tom….why should it matter? Since it is a biological/genetic thing (just like being black or white), isn’t it infringing on their civil rights to not let them get married?

    I honestly think we will look back on this 50-60 years from now and look at it the way we look at segregation….as in “what the hell where they thinking?”

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