The Sierra Club is caught in a quagmire again. Do they take an official stance against immigration, or avoid the issue. This isn’t a new topic of debate, but some odd circumstances have created cause for alarm. Some white supremacist groups have urged their members to join the Sierra Club to vote on the issue.
Why can’t the club couldn’t just have a stance against people in general? Immigrants are no more damaging than most of the members. The real threat of population includes everyone, not just the “mass immigration of people with pre-industrial birth rates.”
The article suggests that it is likely that the issue will be resolved soon. I doubt it will. I think its very difficult to compartmentalize and separate one’s beliefs. And that seems to be what this issue is doing for most members.
Personally, I think its an unimportant issue at this time. Look what has happened in the last 4 years. Shouldn’t we concern ourselves with something else?