OK chemistry head(s), here’s a problem. A correct answer will result in a free beer, plus the benefit that the secret will reveal.
Let us say we want to make a 3.5% solution from common (unscented) household bleach. We only need a small volume, say 200mL. What is the appropriate mixture of bleach and water to get this solution?
3.5% of 200mL is 0.7mL, ever so slightly more than 1/8 tsp of beach.
Oops — you know how things only look wrong once they’re written out?
3.5% of 200mL is 7ml, or just less than 1 1/2 tsp.
Well the real question is what is the original concentration of the bleach? If it is 100% concentrated bleach then yes 7 mL is correct but if it is a diluted bleach or has other addatives then your answer will be different because you will need more than 7 mL to get to 3.5% bleach. The bottle of bleach should tell you the concentration. By the way, why do you need 3.5% bleach anyway?
That’s part of the challenge, now isn’t it? I don’t know what the concentration of the bleach is. I don’t have any at home.
The solution in question can be added as 5 droplets to 1 liter of water to kill virii & bacteria. Something that is increasingly present in natural water sources, especially closer to sea level. A similar product can be bought at outdoor recreation stores under a name like Viralstop or something. My dad left me the formula before he went to Holden, and I never got around to, well, doing anything with it.
Have you ever tried grapefruit seed extract? It’s bitter, in a I’m killing everything in your gut kinda way. Supposed to destabilize membranes of bacteria, killing them, not sure about viruses.
Never heard of it, but it seems to have a following. It appears to work on virii as well.
well just make up the solution of 7mL bleach with 193 mL water as mentioned, assuming that the concentration of bleach is 100%. Then you will atleast get something (possibly at 3.5%) but not too much.
If you had a GCMS or HPLC I could tell you the concentration of bleach. Though I doubt you have one as they are very expensive. I guess if you want to know we could do a titration on the bleach to find its concentration.
Shouldn’t the bottle of bleach say the concentration? I don’t imagine its 100%.
Yeah, it should say the concentration but I couldn’t find anything on clorox’s website. I doubt it is 100% as that would be some really potent, flesh eating stuff.