Several years ago I took an online test to see which faith best matched my outlook on religion, spirituality and the divine. I took a snapshot of the results, and stumbled upon them yesterday. Out of curiosity, I checked to see if the site was still there, and if anything had changed. Well, very little had changed in 6 years, but the number 1 match now seems to be liberal quaker. A quick look at what defines liberal quaker is like a brief look at a list of unfinished projects. Its all kind of wishy-washy, but in a non-condemning, non-excluding kind of way. |
Although the quaker oats guy is a slightly misconceived notion, I thought it would be funny to celebrate my new found religion of circumstance with a photoshop. What didn’t change were the 3 religions that least fit my results. In decreasing order of match: Orthodox Judaism, Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic. No surprises there. |
6 thoughts on “Liberal Quaker”
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Thats pretty damn funny Andy. I should have that on a shirt.
Perfect! May I call you OatBoy?
I have been both to a Quaker Meeting and in a Q wedding. I can totally see you there.
I agree, make that into shirts.
You peaked my curiosity so I had to take the test, here are my results.
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Secular Humanism (92%)
3. Liberal Quakers (91%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (88%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (77%)
The funny thing is that I have been raised a Roman Catholic, and currently consider myself as Catholic, but in my results list “Roman Catholic” was the least likely match for me (last on the list).
One thing to remember: Catholic in the general sense means universal but Roman Catholic means quite the opposite. You can still consider yourself Catholic and feel OK about it. I learned from a co-worker of a church here in town that’s a split congregation, 1/2 Lutheran, 1/2 Catholic. Quite a feat, but really a lot closer to how it was supposed to be.
In a somewhat related note, I stumbled upon this interesting diddy today.;jsessionid=XH2QLH3I5KVU0CRBAEZSFEY?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyID=4250422
P.S. Apparently I am quaker as well…and then buddhist after that, what a trip.