I’ve been reading A Geography of Geography that I picked up for a quarter at our library’s book sale. Its a chronology of the discipline of geography throughout human history. Naturally, its quite concerned with the spacial aspect of things rather than merely the history.
One of the most enjoyable aspects has been a comparison of world maps throughout time and cultures. Its amazing how slowly maps progressed early on. The Greeks, or people living in Greek colonies slowly improved maps that were quite detailed. Maps that displayed Great Britain were available in 500BC! Yet, the middle ages, and in some cases, organized religion led to a somewhat warped perspective of the world. I recreated this map by Cosmas, who was determined that the world conformed to the descriptions given in the scriptures. I colorized it, and gave the people on the sides more detail, including races, because that’s the sort of thing that might piss the church off. I’m free to do that.