
Sorry for the outage. I was playing a game that crashes after every level, and every time I restart I get a new IP address, and I forgot to re-map the ports at my router. I promise I did it every other time.

5 thoughts on “outage”

  1. People on the East Coast are much more uptight and decisive and unnecessarily rude. They also think that it’s okay to complain about the crowdedness on rush hour uptown subways forgetting the fact that the other 239045825872895 people in the same car also have to deal with the crowds, so thus they are more self-absorbed.

    This is pretty fun … http://hes.iki.fi/video/LSD_Being_Tested_on_Brtish_Troops.mpg

  2. Alan is such a hard working young man that he needs to blogsurf at work to release the tension which might otherwise manifest in the killing of innocent patrons.

    Alan never lived in an east coast place with subways, but he did live 27 years on the east coast. Now he makes homemade truffles for neighbors on the westcoast for christmas and not one neighbor thanks him or even acknowledges receipt of truffles. West coast=not uptight enough.

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