My friend Chris came down to visit, and to borrow some bandwidth. He recently purchased an iBook after several years of PCitude. I think he’s happy. Anyway, we went to dinner at an Indian place last night, and had schemed to go bar hopping or something, but ended up going to Powell’s Books and browsing for a while. He was smitten with the place. We went to the Tech book branch today. It was spectacular.
Now I’m working on setting up my own Mail server. If you’ve read before, I was ranting about Apple taking away my e-mail address. Two friends have caved and paid the $50-100/year for an iTools account. As for me, iTools can bite my shiney metal ass.
Anyway, I’m listening to my 05 folder. I used some beta-version Mp3 IDv3 tag editor that crashed and dumped all my mp3s into the trash. This sucks because they were all sorted by genre and album. I was somewhat surprised when there were 30 GB in my trash. I sorted them into folders by track name, then I move them back to the appropriate directory. Its quite a mess. So now I”m listening to all the mp3s that begins with 05 – ….