Title: Converting Line Features into Polygons Using the XTools Extension


Date:  June 4th, 2001


Purpose:  The purpose of converting multiple Polylines into Polygons within ArcView allow for new polygon features to be created using linear data, allowing for easier and quicker polygon creation to be done, using existing line data. 


Extensions Required: Xtools





·       Make theme with line data display and active in the view.

·       Select Make One Polygon from Polylines under the XTools option in the menu bar

·       When prompted, select the line theme you wish to convert to polygons.


·       Give appropriate file name and folder to theme

·       New line theme will be added to the view (and will be editable), and information window will display details of the new line theme to be used for creating polygons (such as number of intersections).


·       To Create Polygons From Polylines


·       Use the pointer tool to select lines you want used for the creation of a new polygon from the newly created editable line shapefile.

·       Select all the line segments you want to use for the creation of the new polygon.

·       Select XTools – Make One Polygon from Polylines

·       Select the theme containing the polylines you want to make into one polygon.

·       Click on OK

·       Give an appropriate name to the new polygon theme and assign the file to the correct directory and folder.

·       Click on OK to create the new polygon theme feature.


·       If the XTools properties have been set, Area, Perimeter, Acres, and Hectare measurements will be calculated and input into the database file for the newly created polygon theme.


Conclusions:  The usefulness and utility of using the XTools extension for creating polygons form a series of polylines are endless.  This tool allows for polygon themes and features to be created from polyline data. 


Created by Chris Connell and Andy Freed, Geography 452: Advanced GIS Class.