Procedure Library for Changing the Projection of a shapefile by using Projector! Extension.

            The purpose of this procedure library is to explain how to use Projector!  To reproject an ArcView Shapefile. Projector is an extension that increases the functionality of ArcView.

Prepared by Andy Freed ( on March 4, 2001.Required: ArcView,  Projector! Extension.


1.     Open ArcView and create a view with the 4 Ortho98 images in it. Set the view properties using View>Properties>Map Units and View>Properties>Distance Units to feet and miles respectively.

2.     In another view, open the hydrology DLG that you want to change the projection on. Change the View properties  and set Map Units and Distance Units to meters.

3.     Highlight the hydro theme and click the projector! Button. It will ask which projection the source data is in. Select UTM 1927 and Zone 10 and click OK.

4.     Select the output unit for feet, and click OK.

5.     In the output projection, select State Plane 1983, and choose Washington North for the type. Click Ok.

6.     When asked if wanted to recalculate area, click Yes.

7.     When asked if you want to add the theme to a view, click yes.

8.     Select the View that has the 4 Ortho98 photos in it, and it will place it directly into the view.


Additional information is available in Getting to Know ArcView GIS.