Procedure Library for Opening an existing project in ArcView GIS.

The purpose of this procedure library is to familarize ourselves with opening and editing existing projects in ArcView GIS. This is a task that will become very familiar to us, so it is best to learn it well.

Prepared by Andy Freed ( on October 11th, 2000.

Required: ArcView GIS,


1. Click on the START menu at the bottom left of the screen. Select PROGRAMS from the subsequent menu, then ESRI, Then ArcView 3.2, then ArcView GIS Version 3.2. This will launch the application. For ease, a series of paths will be written using slashes to represent directories. Opening ArcView would resemble this Start/Programs/Esri/ArcView 3.2/ArcView GIS Version 3.2.

2. When ArcView opens, a dialog box will prompt the user to either start a new project or open an existing one. Since we have a project in mind, we will click OPEN AN EXISTING PROJECT and click OK.

3. The project we want to open is C:\esri\Av_gis30\Avtutor\arcview\qstart.apr, so select that file from the left side when you have navigated to the C:\esri\Av_gis30\Attutor\arcview\ folder.

4. To view any of the themes, double click on their names in the table of contents.

Modified: 10/11/00

For additional info: Consult the Getting to Know ArcView GIS manual.