Running Project Log for Fire Mountain GIS Mapping Project, April 4, 2001 to June 10th, 2001


Chris Connell



Week 1:


4/4/01  3 - 5pm



4/5/01  7:30 - 8pm



4/6/01  3 - 4pm




Week 2:


4/9/01  4 - 5pm



4/11/01            3 - 5pm



4/13/01            1:30 – 2:30pm, 3 - 5pm





Week 3:


4/16/01            3 - 5pm



4/17/01            12 - 2pm



Wetland Buffers                               Riparian Buffers

Type I:   150 Feet                            Type I & II Streams:  200 Feet

Type II:  100 Feet                            Type III Streams:                   100Feet

Type III:  50 Feet                             Type IV Streams:        50 Feet

Type IV:  25 Feet




4/18/01            3 - 6pm



4/20/01 to 4/21/01       6pm – 4pm


·      GPS Data dictionary information can be viewed using this Link: Fire Mountain GPS #1







Week 4:


4/23/01 3 - 5pm



4/24/01 1-2pm


·       Looked at the Fire Mountain Boy Scout Camp Website to see the types of information it might provide to aid in the development of this GIS, located at

·       Website gave information on facilities and campsite name and capacity information (differs a bit from what was observed in the field).  Later I discussed this with C.K. and he said it was best to use the data provided from the Website, and to send him a copy of what we found so the camp can update the campsites during one of the work party weekends.


4/25/01 2 - 6:15pm


·       Re-converted GPS data to Shapefiles.  There was a problem when going form one computer to another with the GPS Shapefiles.  There was missing database information.  To remedy the problem, I went back to Pathfinder and re-converted the rover files and immediately displayed them into ArcView.  Once in ArcView, I began to edit the tables for each theme, adding useful information not colleted in the field, and then converted those themes to new Shapefiles.  This seems to have solved the problem, because the data comes up correctly every time.

·       As mentioned earlier, I went through each table for each theme, and added extra information, for locations that were collected using the extra point and line data options.  The dike, diversion dam, and inflow and outflow points data tables were updated to include name of feature, type of feature, and location of the feature, among other things.

·       Discovered that Skagit County data available form the UW GIS Data Source ( was in SPC NAD 27, which allowed our GPS data to match up correctly with the County Data.


4/26/01 12:30 - 2pm

·    Worked with Andy to swap and Merge GPS shapefiles.  We wanted to get all our field data into one folder, and to remove any duplicate information that may have been collected

·    Began to develop a list of other possible GPS data we may want to collect to add to the GIS project.

·    The additional data we may want include the following:

Ø      Campsites on west side of lake

Ø      South and North Dikes

Ø      Ranger Station/Hodag

Ø      Flag Poles

Ø      Other Buildings in main camp

Ø      Bjorn’s Island

Ø      Bridge in Kit Carson Field

Ø      Rock Garden and Cultas (?)

Ø      Crystal Falls (?)

Ø      Campfire Bowl

Ø      Forest Cover Types


4/27/01 3 – 4:30pm, 5:30 – 7pm (map collection)



Note: when creating polygons for Management Units, select the appropriate lines for each area and use Xtools Extension (lines to polygon option) to convert the selected lines to polygons.




Week 5:


4/30/01 2:15 – 9:00pm


·       Created separate polygons for each of the management units and began to edit its database, but need more information from C.K. as to the types of information he wants entered into the database.

·       Began writing proclib for merging themes

·       Performed a little editing on the parcel map dataset and databse to see what other information might be needed, and to begin figuring out and remembering how to perform certain editing functions within ArcView using extensions and other editing features.



5/1/01 3:30 – 6:30pm


·       Began to edit and modify the parcel data database: entered property owners, parcel identification numbers, addresses of owners, and other information provided from the parcel maps acquired on April 27th, 2001 from C.K.

·      Created a new data dictionary for GPS data collection to take place on Friday May 4th, 2001.  The data dictionary includes information on features and attributes we determined we still needed for this project.  For a copy of the Data Dictionary, click on this link: Fire Mountain GPS_2



5/2/01 1 – 2pm, 3 – 9pm



Note: The parcel theme’s dataset only includes information on the properties surrounding the camp property, and information that was provided by the camp about those properties such as owner, land use, address, and parcel identification numbers.



5/3/01 4 – 8pm




5/4/01 12 – 4pm




Week 6:


5/7/01 12:45 – 2:30pm




5/9/01 1pm – 5pm









Week 7:


5/14/01 12 – 5pm


·       Worked on finishing management units database file and performed last minute editing on it

·       Worked on creating new themes using old themes, and editing databases for each theme

·       Gave my information to Andy and he provided me with his

·       Met with gene and pat to discuss the status of our poster for the presentation


5/15/01 2 - 7pm


·       Worked on some analysis of Outhouse locations based on hydrology, access to roads, and soil characteristics.

·       Printed rough drafts of each analysis to see how well they explained themselves and to make any additional modifications prior to sending the maps to the color printer.


5/16/01 12:30 – 9:30pm


·       Worked on poster and analysis for poster presentation.

·       Created all supplemental information for the poster with Andy to be included on the poster.


5/17/01 1-2pm


·       Scholars’ week presentation in the Science Lecture Hall main entrance.



Week 8:


5/21/01 2:30 – 7pm


·       Finally acquired a version of the Cascade Orienteering Club Map to be used for Wetlands and Topography

·       Opened the file in Corel Draw so that the map image could be rotated so it followed true north rather than magnetic north, and it was saved as a DXF

·       Opened the file in ArcView after loading the Cad Reader extension

·       Used shape warp to match the images up with the parcel data, so wetland information could be gathered

·       Digitized all wetlands for the camp property, within the bounds of what the orienteering map covered (52)

·       Also digitized other hydrologic features to compare with hydrology and NWI coverages


5/22/01 9pm – 12:30am


·       Edited wetland and Management unit themes, paying particular attention that the lake polygons within each theme matched up (to avoid overlapping themes with same feature).

·       Began writing metadata for the management unit theme




5/23/01 12:30pm – 7:30pm


·       Merged wetlands and Management Units themes to create Management Unit 33.

·       Finished writing metadata for Management Units theme

·       Wrote metadata for Camp Boundary and Parcel Data themes

·       Created trails and additional Roads theme for the camp, based on the data received from the Cascade Orienteering Club.


5/24/01 4 – 6pm


·       Digitized additional trails into the trails theme that were not included with the Cascade Orienteering Club data.  The additional data came from the Fire Mountain Scout Camp General Reference Map created by C.K. Eidem.


2/25/01 12 – 4pm


·       Gave Pat our bi-weekly report of how far we are on the development of our project.

·       Wrote metadata for Trails and wetlands.

·       Began to digitize building locations based on our collected GPS Data and the DNR airphoto.


Week 9:


5/28/01 Memorial Day Observance


5/30/01 1:30 – 5:30pm


·       Finished writing metatada for the following themes:

·       Management Units (management_units.shp)

·       Camp Boundary (camp_boundary.shp)

·       Parcel Data (land_data.shp)

·       Wetlands (wetlands.shp)

·       Propane Tanks (propane.shp)

·       Staff Area (Staff_Area.shp)

·       Hodag (Hodag.shp)

·       Main Camp (main_camp.shp)

·       Trails (Trails.shp)


·       Re-checked each metadata file to make sure that no data was lost, especially the source lineage data (which often times is lost when creating new sources in the metadata collection tool.)


5/31/01 3 – 6:30pm


·       Wrote and finished metedata for the following themes:

·       Wood sheds (Wood_Shed.shp)

·       OA Site (OA_Site.shp)

·       Shooting Sports (Shooting_Sports.shp)

·       Brownsea Area (Brownseaarea.shp)

·       Bridge (Bridge.shp)

·       Flag Poles (Fleg_Poles.shp)

·       Fire Pits (Fire_Pits.shp)




6/1/01 12 – 4pm


·       Went through all metadata themes that I created and edited them for errors (mis-spellings, wrong information, missing sources, ect.)


·       Wrote metadata for

·       Dikes (dikes.shp)

·       Parking lots (parking.shp)


·       Continued working on ProcLibs and updating Running Log.


Week 10:


6/4/01 2-5pm


·       Worked on completing ProcLibs developed for use during this project.

·       Edited trails theme to include additional information in database.



6/6/01 2-6pm


·       Worked on developing drain field analysis

·       Selected soils with good to moderate drainage and permeability and converted them to shape files

·       Created hydrologic buffers on all streams

o      200 foot buffer on type 1 & 2

o      100 foot buffer on type 3

o      50 foot buffer on type 4


·       Created wetland buffers of 100 feet

·       Erased features that included stream buffers and wetland buffers as areas that are not suitable for drain fields

·       Updated management units theme so it more accurately matched up with the forest cover/ vegetation theme created by Andy.  Originally the Air photo was used to create and designate the management units, so it would make sense to have the management units correspond to the forest cover theme, as it was created based on the Air Photo.



6/7/01 3:30-5pm


·       Finished creating themes for drain field analysis

·       Soils with good to moderate drainage and good permeability

·       Soils with 0% to 15% slope

·       100 foot wetland buffers

·       stream buffers (as described above)

·       Began to tinker with layouts to display drainage analysis

·       Modified trails coverage so they matched up with roads theme; basically I edited the trails theme so trails met up with roads, as they do in the field.


6/8/01 1pm – 5pm


·       Worked on final poster presentation for Wednesday

·       Wrote metadata for the drain field analysis coverage


Finals Week:


6/11/01 12:30 – 3pm


·       Compiled layout for drain field analysis map for the presentation.


6/12/01 6-11pm


·       Worked on updating conclusion, analysis, and other information for the final project.

·       Re-created the drain field analysis layout and saved as a JPEG

·       Updated the project log



6/13/01 3:30 – 5:30 pm


·       Present the results, analysis, and completed information required for our GIS project to the class in the form of a Final Presentation.

·       Andy and I provided all the required information to Pat and Gene on C.D.